Essential Conversations When Moving Near Family

by Betty Ortiz

Thinking about moving closer to family? Living near loved ones can change family relationships in ways that aren't always easy, Research shows that moving as an older adult can feel more stressful for three main reasons:

1. Losing old friends and social connections
2. Dealing with family expectations
3. Feeling overwhelmed by needing more help or giving more care

If you are experiencing any of these situations, talkint with your family about boudaries can help make the move more easy.

What are boundaries?

Boundaries are limits you set in relationships and often include rules around how you share your time, energy, and other resources. Boundaries do not mean you want to keep others out; rather, they allow you to decide how to let others into your life and home comfortably.
Setting and discussing boundaries will help you build and maintain strong family relationships when moving closer to family.
Establish clear guidelines and foster mutual understanding and cooperation as you address different expectations. This will likely lend to a smoother transition for you and your family when you move closer together.
Keep in mind that ultimately, you are the one who gets to decide how you use your time and resources, and your family members get to decide what they will give back.
Count with your Local SRES® Betty Ortiz  to guide you through the process of buying or selling your home, making the transaction less stressful and more successful.

The Seniors Real Estate Specialist® (SRES®) designation is awarded by the SRES® Council,a subsidiary of the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR).
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